Establish Clear Boundaries. Remember, it is your responsibility to establish the expectations of your clients about how and when to respond to emails and texts and your overall availability. Too many attorneys get burnt out by attempting to be available all the time, and you do yourself a disservice by not being able to "turn off" work. One example you can use to respond to non-urgent weekend communications is, “Received, I will get back to you on Monday. Thank you.” Clearly defined boundaries help establish expectations and prevent misunderstandings. Additionally, it allows attorneys to effectively manage their time, prioritize tasks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Get Involved. Your community is the one that supports you and has your back. A strongly established network and community involvement enables attorneys to foster referral relationships and expand their client base. It doesn't take much effort to remind folks who you are and also what you do and how you can be of service.
Prioritize Self Care. Remember, no one will prioritize your self care except for you. We can become addicted to responding to client and partner's urgencies without thinking about our own self care. It is crucial for attorneys to prioritize self-care in order to maintain their physical and mental well-being, sustain their productivity, and prevent burnout in the demanding and high-stress field of law.
Constantly Evaluate Your Career Direction. Your goals will always change throughout your career. Thus, it is necessary to reevaluate your career direction to ensure it is matching your values and current life situation. Major life events such as marriage and having children often change our values. Remember to reassess these life phases often. If you are ready to take control of your career, legacy, and purpose make sure to contact Brooke! Brooke helps motivated attorneys build their book, transition to their dream role, or pursue an alternative legal field.
Bailey Greenberg, with Law Life Coach.