Law Firm Services

These services are for law firms taking their business to the next level, whether by attracting and retaining talent, planning and implementing a customized growth strategy, or utilizing customized coaching services.

Recruiting Services

In this role, Brooke and her team help leaders gain clarity around their firm's brand, culture, and specific hiring needs, from boutique firms to The Am Law 100. 

We advise regarding competitive job descriptions, benefits and compensation structures, firm culture, and the best hiring and onboarding practices.

Services may also include accessing our network of thousands of qualified attorneys and vetting to find the right candidate for your open position efficiently. 

Coaching Services

Brooke offers customized coaching services to support law firm growth. Services include succession planning, professional development for attorneys such as improving work efficiency and management skills, and building the book of your law firm’s superstars. These services are designed to grow your attorneys individually and build a stronger, more collaborative, and successful team. 

Team Building & Assessments

Interested in building a stronger team? 

DiSC workshops are a fun learning experience that benefit everyone in the organization by building relationships, rapport, and understanding. Participants learn about their own style and appreciate other’s priorities, preferences, and values. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) sessions are customized to assist employees in their professional development. Reports are available that focus on an individual’s personality, career development, leadership style, communication, and team building. MBTI workshops vary based on the length and the number of participants per session. 

Building workshops around teammates who frequently work together identifies team member's strengths and their unique contributions to the team, improves communication and mutual respect, and allows for hands-on interactive experiences to understand their own and other personality types. Individual one-hour MBTI consultations are available in-person or virtually.